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How to find us
You can always find us on the map here, or you can reach out to us by email or phone. Directions can be found below.
Our Location
2452 Yorks Corners Road,
Edwards, Ontario
K0A 1V0
Email or Call us
Follow Bank Street South towards Winchester. Turn left onto Victoria Street towards Metcalfe Village. Travel through Metcalfe Village until you reach flashing light at Yorks Corners Rd. Turn left onto Yorks Corners Rd and continue north for approximately 1 km, to Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm™, located on the left hand side.
Follow Bank Street North towards Ottawa. Turn right onto Victoria Street towards Metcalfe Village. Travel through Metcalfe Village until you reach flashing light at Yorks Corners Rd. Turn left onto Yorks Corners Rd and continue north for approximately 1 km, to Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm™, located on the left hand side.
Take Hwy 417 east (towards Montreal) to Exit 96 South Boundary Rd. Exit right onto Boundary Rd and proceed south (right) to flashing light. Turn right onto Mitch Owens Rd and continue to flashing light. Turn left at flashing light onto Yorks Corners Rd, and proceed approximately 7 kilometers to Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm™, located on the right hand side.
Take Hwy 416 North (Towards Ottawa) to Roger Stevens Dr Exit. Exit Right onto Rogers Stevens Drive. Travel East through Kars, across River Rd towards Osgoode. Turn left onto Snake Island Rd. Follow Snake Island Rd East across Bank Street and through the village of Metcalfe. (Snake Island becomes Victoria Street) Follow Victoria Street East to flashing light at Yorks Corners Rd. Turn left onto Yorks Corners Rd and continue north for approximately 1 km, to Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm™, located on the left hand side.
Take Hwy 417 West (towards Ottawa) to Exit 96 South, Boundary Rd. Proceed south (left) to flashing light.Turn right onto Mitch Owens Rd and continue to flashing light. Turn left at flashing light onto Yorks Corners Rd, and proceed approximately 7 kilometers to Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm™, located on the right hand side.